Your families safety is our number one priority. We use only EPA approved products. They are organic, synthetic and the safest products available.
In most cases, you can re-enter your lawn after the application has dried. The recommended waiting period is 2 to 4 hours after the application. If a longer time is required, it will be noted on your service ticket.
Call us right away and we will determine when the last application was and set up a proper starting time. Timing is crucial to maximizing results and risking complications. Green Elements will make the transition easy.
Nothing! Our estimates are always free and easy.
Prices are determined by square footage of your lawn or treatable area. Our minimum charge is around $38.
Our prices are very competitive. We offer more services than other companies and sometime we are more reasonable when you sign up for a full service treatment plan. We offer straight forward pricing.
Our treatment program offers 6 billable visits which include 12 treatments.
No, you do not need to be home at the time of treatment. We will notify you when we have treated your lawn.
It depends on the condition of your lawn. Some homeowners can see drastic results with one or two treatments, but you must give the program time to work. Getting your lawn in tip-top shape takes time.
If you are home we will let you know we are there. We apply treatments every 6 to 8 weeks depending on the weather. If you need special requirements, please let us know.
No. We are constantly watching the weather and will not apply if there a high chance for rain fall that would effect our treatment. We add “sticking” agents into our sprays which in return makes the product stick to your lawn. At the second of contact, your lawn begins to suck the product into its pores. This eliminates the issue of water washing the product off. We recommend watering your lawn within 24 hours from the application being applied. This also helps drive the products into your lawn.
Every weed reacts to our products in different ways. Some turn colors. Some wilt and curl. Some weeds take multiple treatments to suppress them. Mow your lawn 4-5 days after application to mulch up weeds. Even if the weed is dead, it will take time for it decomposes and goes away. Weed control takes time.
For best results, you should water your lawn within the first 24 hours from the application being applied. Some applications can be mowed right after and it won’t effect anything. Some applications need to sit. We will let you know any mowing restrictions, but don’t let your grass get too tall waiting for a time limit. It is better to mow the next day than to have too much grass clippings.
ABSOLUTELY! We provide your lawn with all the right elements for a healthy, great looking lawn. All you need to do is follow the watering and mowing guidelines, follow our recommendations and you are guaranteed great results.
Green Elements is a full-service lawn care company. We can take care of most anything for you. Take a look at our services page to see other lawn care services we offer. If we don’t offer a particular service you are looking for, we know someone that can!
Yes, we offer flowerbed, mulch bed and rock bed weed treatments. Pre-emergent weed control is applied early spring and early summer. A non-selective herbicide is applied when necessary during the year.
We specialize in lawn fertilization. We have the right equipment to apply it correctly and safely. Some lawn maintenance companies are not certified to apply anything nor have insurance for any mistakes! Ask them for their certificate of certification. We specialize in lawn treatments!
Aeration is a very important thing to do to your lawn in St. Louis, Missouri. Compact, hard soil is terrible for growing grass. Core aeration will loosen soil and allow water, oxygen and nutrients to reach roots. This will allow your turf to thicken and get stronger. Core aeration is normally done during seeding/fall but can also be done in the Spring.
The best and ideal time to seed in Missouri is the fall. That is September thru November. Cooler day and night temperatures help keep seed moister and not dry out as fast for germination.
Spring planting is not recommended but in some cases unavoidable. New baby grassroots cannot withstand the dry hot summer heat and ends up killing the grass before it is mature. We can further discuss your options during your free yard analysis.
Mushrooms grow in high moisture areas and normally associated with something organic in the ground under mushroom. Examples; sticks, mulch, dog feces, grass clippings. Most mushrooms will go away and are no harm to you.
Lawn Care Services FAQ's
No. Our program continues every year until you cancel service.
Yes, You must do so in writing or call and speak with us. Service calls are free for our 6 visit treatment program customers. If canceling before the year is complete, you will be required to pay for all services calls that were completed.
99% of our bills are sent via email. We can also bill you up front for your yearly service.
We accept cash, check, venmo and all major credit cards. Payment can be made via the online invoicing section on our website. We also offer prepayments and auto payments with cards on-file.
Payments are due on receipt. They become past due after 14 days after being billed. Billing is done after application.
A late fee of $5.00 will be applied to your account automatically after 15 days. Invoices past 30 days will inquire a 1.5% interest charge until paid in full. Any invoice past 90 days will be sent to collections. You will be responsible to pay all fees associated with the collection of your debt.
If you have any problems paying your bill by the due date, please call us and we will be more than happy to make accommodations for your circumstance.
We recommend pre-paying for your services ahead of time to avoid any problems or to set up auto payments.
Yes, we offer customer referral, prepay and many other coupon discounts.
See below!
We will be here when you need us. We’d love to talk.